
This blog chronicles the "next chapter" adventure of Stephen and Susan Ristau who have left the comfort and familiarity of Connecticut to explore new options for life and work in the Pacific Northwest.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Second Time Around the Block- March 2008
We have met so many people and feel so welcomed in Portland...although we did not move into Portland until last summer, we feel like we are talking our second trip around the block. We are also enjoying an early spring... fact, Stephen mowed the lawn last week, the earliest ever for us. There are blossoming trees and bushes and we have begun to plan our gardens and transplant a few shrubs and plants. The growing season starts in February and we are very excited about getting down and dirty in the yard. Check out this link for some early signs of spring in your yard and in our immediate neighborhood.

We apologize for the absence of new blogs but what can we say... we have been busier this year than last (READ: WORK!!) and, besides, we think there are only three of you out there who actually read this stuff! But for you three, we will try to do a better job of keeping up with it. Check out past blogs beginning in December as we have added some stuff. We know the pictures tell a great stort about this great part of the world.

We received great news last week that Hartford friends, Ted and Jane Carroll, will visit us this summer and we are hoping that the rest of you plan to visit us as well.

We are very excited that our niece Jenna (it's still on, right, Russell??!!) will be getting married next month and we will be back in CT for her wedding and have a chance to visit with family and friends...until next time...thanks to the 3 who read this!!!!

And ask me to tell you about Susan's training to do a triathalon this summer... really!!!!!


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